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The One Thing Jonestown Documentaries Never Tell You

Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones should never have gotten as far as he did. He was like the abusers in the Catholic Church, universities, and Boy Scouts who for decades got away with their crimes partly because officials were clueless or incompetent. Is it asking too much of documentarians and filmmakers to set the historical record straight about Jonestown? Read more

How to Turn and Stay Pro: Beat the Noonday Devil

I used to work with David Grann, author of Killers of the Flower Moon, among other smash-hit nonfiction books. When he was a staff writer, his office was around the corner from me and the other interns at The New Republic. Even for a newbie like me, it was difficult to avoid the conclusion David worked differently in the office than the rest of us on staff.
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Controversial Journalists are an Endangered Species

Journalists are an aging species. Yet one journalistic type may be said to be endangered: the one who courts controversy like the late Christopher Hitchens, Molly Ivins, and William F. Buckley, Jr. In a democracy, this is a shame. Read more

Two Progressive Writers Important Enough to Be Hated

Calling out your political or ideological opponent or opposite has long been easy intellectually. If attacked, you can appeal to like-minded supporters. Calling out someone on your own political “team” or tribe—well, that’s a dicey proposition. Read more