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The One Thing Jonestown Documentaries Never Tell You

Jim Jones should have been held to account long before the Jonestown massacre of 1978. Like other notorious con men and abusers, he got away with his frauds and crimes partly because officials were clueless or incompetent. When will documentary filmmakers set the record straight? Read more

How to Convey Sensory Experience like Better Call Saul

The AMC series “Better Call Saul” combined sight and sound better than any I can recall. Take, for instance, the scene that commentators and analyzers have been extolling since it aired—the Howard Hamlin beach scene.  Read more

For Writer’s Block, Take Two Treatments

The root of writer’s block is organizational rather than romantic. Some writers imagine themselves as uniquely tortured souls, like Prometheus chained to a rock while an eagle devoured his liver every day. The reality is, they are poor administrators. They lack a reliable technique to produce good first drafts.  Read more